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Global Media Registry (GMR) & BIRN ALBANIA - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Global Media Registry

Scan Radio

Radio Scan is part of SCAN TV company. SCAN TV specializes on economic and financial news. It is a small television by revenues and it is owned by people active in several sections of Albanian economy, including banking, financial services, food and wholesale or retail of electronics and construction materials.

Key facts

Audience Share


Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type

free content

Passive Transparency

upon request, ownership data is easily available from the company/channel

3 ♥

Media Companies / Groups



Ownership Structure

Radio Scan is part of SCAN TV shareholding company. Scan TV is owned by eight individuals (most of them owners of Credins Bank) where majority shareholder has 34.41% (Astrit Hana) whereas the remaining 65.59% are attributed to 7 shareholders:
RenisTershana, (11.5%), Neritan Dojaka, (10%), Aleksandër Pilo, (13.24%), Adrian Pere, (5.28%), ThomaMinga, (10.57%), Fuad Haxhiymeri, (10%), ArtanXhori, (5%).

Voting Rights

Voting rights are the same as shareholders rights.

Individual Owner

Group / Individual Owner

Aleksandër Pilo

Aleksandër Pilo is a businessman and owns 16.68% of Credins Bank, 25% of Credins Leasing, leasing company, 5% of Citypark Albania, the second largest shopping centre and 20% of a company called Tirana Shopping Centre that has no reported activity. Pilo owns also EMIGRES, a construction materials company founded in 1999.

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year


Affiliated Interests Founder

On May 8th 2000, a shareholding company named MediaSat was founded with shareholder capital of 2 Мio Lek (USD 13.691) with shareholders Agim Ramaj (40%), Thoma Minga (30%), Adrian Pere (20%) and Ilir Goci, (10%). The company operated a TV station called TV ATN1. In 2009, MediaSat received a licence for private local radio station for regions Tirana and Durres. In 2010, the name of the company and the station was changed to TV SCAN.

Affiliated Interests Ceo

Elvana Hana – is an economist. In 2005-2013 she served as a director of the State Health Insurance Fund. She is the daughter of Astrit Hana, the majority shareholder of the company and the wife of Maltin Korkuti, the CEO of Credins Bank, the third biggest bank (by assets) in the country. She is a relative of the wife of the former leader of Democratic Party, Sali Berisha.

Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief

Missing Data


Rruga AleksanderMoisiu, Ish-Kinostudiu

Tel: +35542347794


Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data

Market Share

Missing Data

Further Information

Meta Data

The ownership structure and financial statement are publicly available on the Albanian National Business Registry. Radio Scan is part of SCAN TV company. It is not a separate legal entity and thus doesn't have separate financial statements. The financial data provided are for 2016. The Central Bank's average exchange rate for 2016 was used to convert the amounts into USD. SCAN TV replied to the MOM information request on 26 December 2017. See sources for more.

  • Project by
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by