ABC News is a company that owns a television and a local radio station with the same name ABC News. ABC News TV is a 24-hour news channel some of the content of which is broadcasted through the radio and the website It has a book value of 194.7 Mio. Lek (1.5 Mio USD).
ABC News was created in 2000 as Telenorba Shqiptare by three Italian citizens (Eligio Romanazi 14.35%, Scorpion Sh.p.k (23.65%), Donato D'Alessandro 40% and Giovanni D'Alessandro, 22%). Telenorba Shqitare received its first permit to open a local television station in November 2000 from the National Council of Radio and Television, the predecessor of AMA (Audiovisual Media Authority). In 2006, The Council refused the request to renovate the 5-year license for this channel. The company was sold several times up to 2007, when Redi Sata obtained 80% of the shares. In 2009, the National Council of Radio and Television decided to revoke its previous decision and renovated the license for another 5 years. In 2010, the name of the company was changed from Telenorba Shqiptare to ABC News.
Business Form
Legal Form
Joint-Stock Company
Business Sectors
Radio and Television Broadcasting
Redi Sata
Redi Sata owns 60% of ABC News and has no other businesses registered in the Albanian Business Registry. Sata purchased 80% of ABC News in 2007 for 150 Lek (USD 1.86) from Telenorba LLC. The company had a nominal value of 172 million Lek (USD 2.1 Mio) and accumulated debt of 350,000 Euro. Sata purchased the shares and took the responsibility for the debt.
In May 2016, Sata purchased 20% of the remaining shares from Eligio Romanazzi and Giovanni D'Alessandro for 40,000 Euro. In May 2016, Sata sold 40% of the shares to Aleksander Frangaj and Alba Gina for 20,000 euro each and a total of 40,000 Euro.
Individual Owner
Other Radio Outlets
ABC News Radio
Other Online Outlets
General Information
Founding Year
Affiliated Interests Founder
Eligio Romanazi, Scorpion Sh.p.k, Giovanni D'Alessandro ¬– In 2000, a company called Telenorba Shqiptare was created, with shareholders Eligio Romanazi 14.35%, Scorpion Sh.p.k (23.65%), Donato D'Alessandro 40% and Giovanni D'Alessandro, 22%. Telenorba Shqitare received its first permit to open a local television station in November 2000 from the National Council of Radio and Television, the predecessor of AMA (Audiovisual Media Authority). In 2006, The Council refused the request to renovate the 5-year license for this channel. ABC News has been created in 2000 as Telenorba Shqiptare. The company was sold several times up to 2007, when Redi Sata obtained 80% of the shares. In 2009, the National Council of Radio and Television decided to revoke its previous decision and renovated the license for another 5 years. In 2010, the name of the company was changed from Telenorba Shqiptare to ABC News.
Founders are Italian citizens and have sold
Missing Data
Rruga Aleksander Moisiu, Ish-Kinostudio, Tirana
Tax/ ID Number
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
1.23 Mio. $ / 170 Mio. Lek
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
0.18 Mio. $ / 22.7 Mio. Lek
Advertising (in % of total funding)
MIssing Data
Supervisory Board
Erjona Daco – is a member of the Supervisory Board
Petrit Beci –is a movie producer and former head of Kinostudio Shqiperia e Re, the country communist era movie studio. He worked before as a General Director of the Public Radio Television.
Artur Zonja – a journalist and a member of the Supervisory Board
Other Influential People
Mimoza Koçiu – is a journalist with long experience in several TV channels, including ABC News and Klan. She has worked also as an advisor to Bamir Topi, the former President of Albania.
Mirela Milori – is a journalist with long experience in several TV Channels, including Klan TV and Voice of America.
Further Information
Meta Data
ABC News is a shareholding company. Its ownership structure and financial statements are published in the Albanian National Business Registry. The financial data provided are for 2016. The Central Bank's average exchange rate for 2016 was used to convert the amounts into USD. Audience share for Top TV stations was provided by Abacus Research and Telemetrix for 2017, the data are conflicting that’s why both audience shares are presented.