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Global Media Registry (GMR) & BIRN ALBANIA - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Global Media Registry

Edil Al Group

Edil Al Group

Edil al Group is a group of companies operating in different fields, including construction, media, telecommunications, trade, restaurants and publishing, primarily controlled by the Dulaku family. The group is not a registered legal entity.

The group also includes Media Vizion, one of the most important media powerhouses in the country. Brothers Artan and Genci Dulaku entered the media market in the late 1990s when they founded together with Agim Buxheli the company Media Vizion and the TV station, Vizion Plus. Media Vizion ventured into broadcasting through Vizion Plus in 2000 and received a national broadcasting license in 2008, while in 2016 AMA granted the Broadcaster one the five national digital broadcasting licenses that were distributed to private media companies. Their wives were founders and owners of the digital pay-per-view platform Tring. In 2016 they sold 80% of shares to Sotiraq Toshi. The family owns also Living Magazine and TV station with the same name.

The three Dulaku brothers (Adrian, Artan, Genci) and their wives (Ridvana, Holta, Melina) have control through shares or presence in supervisory boards in a string of companies, which are identified as part of Edil al Group and Tring TV. According to the official websites of Edil al Group and Tring TV, the two entities include apart from the digital broadcaster Tring, the companies Albanian Satellite Communications, Botimet Living, Living magazine, the construction company Edil-Al-It, the concrete producer Alb Beton, the car dealership Albanian Motor Company, and the shopping malls: Galeria, Cristal and Concord. Edil-Al-It is one of the first companies founded by the brothers and is a subsidiary of INER LLC also owned by the Dullaku brothers. The most important companies apart from INER, the mother company of Edil-Al-It, are Media Vizion JSC, Tring JSC, Concord Investment and Albanian Satellite Communications. Their businesses are focused on construction and real estate, shopping malls, telecommunication and media.

The Dulaku brothers have been accused of holding close ties to the Socialist Party and its leader Edi Rama, during the time he was the mayor of Tirana. They allegedly have also the same relation with the current Socialist mayor of the capital. Because of their involvement in the construction business, the founders of Vizion Plus, have been perceived as being close to the municipality of Tirana, due to the role of the mayor in issuing building permits. The company and the brothers have dismissed accusations as a politically motivated smear campaign.

In 2016 the owners of Edil al Group were accused of censoring one of their investigative shows that was due to broadcast a critical story on the treatment of waste in the municipality of Tirana. The report accused mayor Erion Veliaj of abuse of office.

Key facts

Business Form


Legal Form

Limited liability and Join Stock Companies operating under the umbrella of Edil Al Group

Business Sectors

Television Broadcasting; Publishing; Construction; Real Estate; Trade; Hotel and Tourism


Individual Owner

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other Print Outlets

Living Magazine (2.22%)

Other Online Outlets


Media Business

Digital distribution networks

Tring (20%)

Sport licensing

Tring (20%)


Living (100%)

Digital TV

Tring (20%)


Albanian Satellite Communications (100%)


Albanian Satellite Communications (100 %)



INER (100%)


INER (100%)

Real Estate


Car dealership

Albanian Motor Company (100%)


Galeria shopping mall

General Information

Founding Year


Affiliated Interests Founder

Dulaku Family – has been involved in the construction business as founders of Edil-Al-It company since 1994. The three brothers, Artan, Adrian and Genci Dulaku are the founders of the group Edil al Group and together with their wives control the shares of the companies named as part of it. The most important companies are, INER, Edil-Al-It, Media Vizion JSC, Tring JSC, Concord Investment and Albanian Satellite Communications.


Missing Data


Media Vizion sh.a., Rr. Don Bosco, Nr.5 Tirana

Tel: +355 4 2 404 268


Tax/ ID Number

Media Vizion (K01414003D)

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Vizion Plus: 3.67 Mio. $ / 470 Mio. Lek Tring TV: 7.26 Mio. $ / 932 Mio. Lek

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Vizion Plus: 0.03 Mio. $ / 3.4 Mio. Lek Tring TV: 0.02 Mio. $ / 3.1 Mio. Lek

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data


Supervisory Board

Holta Dulaku – the wife of Artan Dulaku, has 8% of shares in Tring TV and is also a member of the Supervisory Boards of Tring TV and Media Vizion, as well as producer of several TV Shows such as ‘Dancing With the Stars Albania’.

Other Influential People

Ritvana Dulaku and Melina Dulaku – wives of Adrian and Genci Dulaku, with Holta Dulaku the wife of Artan Dulaku, are involved in the management of, Media Vizion, Living Albania, Tring TV and some other family companies.

Further Information

Data Publicly Available

ownership data is easily available from other sources, e. g. public registries etc.

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Meta Data

Edil al Group is not a legal entity, but a group of companies owned primarily by the Dulaku family. The ownership data and financial statements for Media Vizion, Tring Tv, Albanian Satellite Comunications, Living and other companies were obtained from the Albanian National Business Register. The financial data provided are for 2016. The Central Bank's average exchange rate for 2016 was used to convert the amounts into USD.
Audience share for Top TV stations was provided by Abacus Research and Telemetrix for 2017, the data are conflicting that’s why both audience shares are presented.

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    Global Media Registry
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