Standard L.T.D. LLC
The company STANDARD L.T.D LLC, with sole owner Sofokli Duni, was created only in 2013 and took over publishing of the newspaper Standard, from Standard LLC, which according to data from the National Business Center is currently under liquidation procedures.
The newspaper, published by this company, was founded as a center-right media outlet, but later was closely committed to the positions of the Democratic Party. During the last two-years the newspaper published a series of articles based on conspiracy theories against the Hungarian-American philanthropist George Soros.
Business Form
Legal Form
Limited Liability Company
Business Sectors
Individual Owner
Sofokli Duni is the owner and the CEO of the daily newspaper Standard. Duni has been the CEO of the newspaper since 2006 and now is the sole owner of the company Standard LTD LLC that publishes the Standard newspaper. He is a shareholder in the Himara Football club. He previously owned a restaurant in Himara, which now appears as a suspended business. He also has 50% of shares in the company Ionian Cost Property Development. He has lived for some years in Slovakia, where together with his brother was involved in the printing business. Sofokli is perceived as being close to the Democratic Party and has ran in the past as a candidate for the national council.
Other Online Outlets
Property Development
Ionian Coast Property Development (50%)
Himara Football Club (24%)
Publishing Printing
Printing Business in Slovakia
General Information
Founding Year
Affiliated Interests Founder
Sofokli Duni is the owner and the CEO of the daily newspaper Standard. Duni has been the CEO of the newspaper since 2006 and now is the sole owner of the company Standard LTD LLC that publishes the Standard newspaper. He is a shareholder in the Himara Football club. He previously owned a restaurant in Himara, which now appears as a suspended business. He also has 50% of shares in the company Ionian Cost Property Development. He has lived for some years in Slovakia, where together with his brother was involved in the printing business. Sofokli is perceived as being close to the Democratic Party and has ran in the past as a candidate for the national council.
Missing Data
Tax/ ID Number
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
0.02 Mio. $ / 1.9 Mio. Lek
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
0.00 Mio. $ / 0.1 Mio. Lek
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Other Influential People
Gerti Duni – is the brother of Sofokli Duni, he is one of the founders of Standard Newspaper. In Albania he owns the company MF1, which is a service company, and also has businesses in Slovakia, where he also was involved in politics. He was a Member of Bratislava city council and the Financial Strategy Commission in 2006-2010.
Further Information
Meta Data
The ownership structure and financial statement are publicly available on the Albanian National Business Registry. The financial data provided are for 2016. The Central Bank's average exchange rate for 2016 was used to convert the amounts into USD. See sources for more.