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Global Media Registry (GMR) & BIRN ALBANIA - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Global Media Registry

Yldon Media Group

Yldon Media Group is owned by Ylli Ndroqi and includes Ora News and Channel One, two separate companies that operate two local TV stations and one radio station in Tirana. Ora News is a 24 hour news station founded in 2007. Their moto is ‘first with breaking news’ and claim to be a leader in the category of 24 hour news stations in Albania. The television station writes in his website that its philosophy is to inform the public objectively, with accuracy and in real time. Its signal is transmitted both free to air and in pay per view digital platforms like DigitAlb, since 2008. Radio Ora News transmits news often from the feed of the TV station on 96.7 FM. Channel One TV, is the second TV station of the Yldon Media Group, founded on March 7, 2011. Channel One TV is a local general interests TV station broadcast in four cities, including Tirana. The slogan of the TV station is ‘Channel One – your first choice.”

Key facts

Business Form


Legal Form

Limited Liability Company and Joint-Stock Company operating under an umbrella of Ylldon Media Group

Business Sectors

Radio and Television Broadcasting


Individual Owner

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other TV Outlets

Channel One (0.57% Telemetrix / 1.11% Abacus)

Other Online Outlets


Media Business

Radio and Television Broadcasting

Ora News (100%)

General Information

Founding Year


Affiliated Interests Founder

Ilda Prifti – In 2006 Ilda Prifti founded a company named Ora, to run a local television based in Tirana with paid capital of 100.000,00 Lek (USD 1.067). In December 2006, the capital of the company increased to 25 Mio. Lek (USD 266.894) and the television station was launched in the 24-hour-news format ahead of the 2006 local elections. She is a relative of Alba Gina, the wife of Aleksander Frangaj. Ilda Prifti was born in 1988 and was 18 years old when her name appeared in the business registry as founder of the company.




Rruga Aleksander Moisiu, Ish-Kinostudioja "Shqiperia e Re", Tirana, Albania.


Tax/ ID Number

Ora: K71505003O, Channel One: K12412002L, Yldon: K31618007S

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Ora News: 1.46 Mio. $ / 187.8 Mio. Lek; Channel One: Revenues: 0.053 Mio. $ / 6.9 Mio. Lek Yldon: 0.165 Mio. $ / 21.2 Mio. Lek

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Ora News: 0.03 Mio. $ / 3.7 Mio. Lek; Channel One: ‘-0.057 Mio. $ / ‘-7.26 Mio. Lek; Yldon: ‘-0.09 Mio. $ / ‘-11.5 Mio. Lek

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data


Supervisory Board

Blerina Hoxha – member of the Supervisory Board at Yldon Media Group.

Other Influential People

Mariam Akopian Ndroqi – the wife of Redon Ndroqi, is the general director of Ora News.

Further Information

Active Transparency

company/channel informs proactively and comprehensively about its ownership, data is constantly updated and easily verifiable

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Meta Data

Yldon Media Group is not a registered legal entity. Ora News is a Joinst-Stock company. Channel One is an LLC. Its ownership structure and financial statements are published in the Albanian National Business Registry. For the purpose of evaluating weigh of assets and revenues of this company in the media market, MOM have calculated the value of assets, revenues and profits of 8 TV groups and two pay-per-view platforms. The companies included in the calculation are as follows: DigitAlb, Tring, Top Channel, Klan, Media Vizion, Multiscreen, Focus Media News, ABC News, Ora News and Scan. The financial data provided are for 2016. The Central Bank's average exchange rate for 2016 was used to convert the amounts into USD. Audience share for Top TV stations was provided by Abacus Research and Telemetrix for 2017, the data are conflicting that’s why both audience shares are presented. Ora News is a Joinst-Stock company. Channel One is an LLC. Its ownership structure and financial statements are published in the Albanian National Business Registry. For the purpose of evaluating weigh of assets and revenues of this company in the media market, MOM have calculated the value of assets, revenues and profits of 8 TV groups and two pay-per-view platforms. The companies included in the calculation are as follows: DigitAlb, Tring, Top Channel, Klan, Media Vizion, Multiscreen, Focus Media News, ABC News, Ora News and Scan. The financial data provided are for 2016. The Central Bank's average exchange rate for 2016 was used to convert the amounts into USD. Audience share for Top TV stations was provided by Abacus Research and Telemetrix for 2017, the data are conflicting that’s why both audience shares are presented.

  • Project by
    Global Media Registry
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