Shekulli online is the online service of Shekulli daily with domain name: and was founded shortly after the newspaper. No exact date of the founding of is available. is an informative and entertainment website.
Audience Share
Missing Data
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
free content
Media Companies / Groups
Ownership Structure
UNIPRESS is owned by Koço Kokëdhima 90%, Dhionis Heqimi 5% and Sadik Llapashtica 5%
Voting Rights
Voting rights are the same as shareholders rights.
Individual Owner
Group / Individual Owner
Sadik Llapashtica
Apart from shares in UNIPRESS Sadik Llapashtica has shares in a company Bashot Power, which suspended its activities. On his LinkedIn profile he appears as shareholder and CEO of AGE Group, Albanian General Electricity, but no such company is registered in the Albanian National Business Registry. The website of AGE Group also indicates Llapashtica as CEO of the company and that it has activities in hydropower and art production. Llapashtica appears as CEO of AGE Art Production in the Business Register.
Dhionis Haqimi
Apart from shares in UNIPRESS Heqimi also has shares (50%) in Global Work Company, a consulting and investment company on public and private construction projects. The company suspended its activities according to the Albanian Business Registry. He also appears as a shareholder (25%) of BESTA, a trade company.
General Information
Founding Year
Missing Data
Affiliated Interests Founder
Koço Kokëdhima - Shekulli daily was founded in 1997 by Koço Kokëdhima through the company named 2K Group. This company was founded in 1998 by Koço Kokëdhima as sole owner. There is no information about the founding year of the online edition.
The owner has interests in various fields, including construction, trade, chemical industry etc. Mr. Kokëdhima was elected Member of the Parliament in 2013 on a Socialist Party ticket. His mandate was declared null and void by the Constitutional Court in 2016 because one of his companies, Abissnet, had benefited from state funds while he was an MP. The Constitution of Albania forbids companies owned by MPs to benefit from public funds. In 2017, Kokëdhima founded a new political movement called "Zgjidhja" (Solution).
Kokëdhima owns 62.84% of F.K Apollonia, a sports team based in Fieri, through 2K Group. The other shareholder is the Municipality of Fieri. His flagship company, 2K Group, managed to purchase majority shares of various public enterprises during the second wave of privatization between 1999-2003. He was accused repeatedly for using his newspaper as a pressure mechanism against the various governments. Some of the companies privatized by this group are: ART EKSPORT IMPORT, Boja Tirana etc. In 1998, he founded Abissnet, one of the earliest internet service providers in Albania.
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Era Kokëdhima – is the daughter of Koço Kokëdhima. She owns 35% of 2K Group and 40% of Radio +2, a radio station, where she also serves as CEO.
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
Arben Rrozhani – is a journalist and Editor-in-Chief of Shekulli.
Njësia Bashkiake Nr. 5, Rruga Ismail Qemali, Pallati 18
Tel.: +35544308398
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Market Share
Missing Data
Further Information
Meta Data
The ownership structure and financial statement are publicly available on the Albanian National Business Registry. The financial data are not available since Shekulli Online is not a separate entity and its revenues and expenditures are reported along with its print edition through UNIPRESS LLC.
The website of AGE Group, Accessed on 26 January 2018