began reporting news in 2015, as a webpage close to the opposition Democratic Party. The webpage broadcasts online a political talk show hosted by journalist Clirim Peka, called Fakt (Fact), which he earlier hosted on UTV. The webpage claims in its impresum to be the biggest news agency in Albania. The main contents of the page are political news and show business. has a separate page for sport news and from its YouTube channel broadcasts a nightly video news edition - complete of anchorman and the political show Fakt from Clirim Peka.
Audience Share
Missing Data
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
free content
Ownership Structure
There is no information about the ownership structure of the outlet. Owners are unknown.
Voting Rights
Missing Data
General Information
Founding Year
Affiliated Interests Founder
Clirim Peka – (Cim Peka) is universally known as the head of the webpage. The webpage appears to have been registered early as a domain, but it only started serving as an Albanian language news agency/portal in 2015.
Peka, who formerly headed UFO Education TV (UTV), which is owned by the former Democratic Party MP Astrit Veliaj, is known as a right-wing hack who is close to the opposition Democratic Party. However, Peka has been lately critical of the party leader Lulzim Basha over his choices for the list of MP candidates in the June 2017 parliamentary elections.
Peka’s brother, Avenir Peka was Deputy Minister of Interior in the Democratic Party led government of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha. Media close to the ruling Socialist Party have claimed the news portal is financed by the son of Berisha, Shkelzen Berisha. Allegations have also been made over ties between Peka and President Ilir Meta.
Clirim Peka has no registered businesses in the Albanian National Business Register. The domain is registered by the NGO, ‘Qendra for Informim te Hapur’ (the Center for Open Information) and the person who has registered the domain is Elvis Sadikaj, who, according to his Facebook profile, works as Technical Director at
Affiliated Interests Ceo
Missing Data
Affiliated Interests Editor-In-Chief
Artan Cena – a journalist with years of experience, serves as editor in chief of Cena was a member of the Media Monitoring Board at the Central Electoral Commission during the June 2017 parliamentary elections.
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Market Share
Missing Data
Further Information
Meta Data
The data for the domain registration of were obtained by website, domaintools and is not registered in the Albanian National Business Register.