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Global Media Registry (GMR) & BIRN ALBANIA - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Global Media Registry

Companies Database

Most media companies in Albania, apart from the public radio television broadcaster RTSH, are private enterprises. All companies, apart from the mother company of Media Group IN, are based in Albania and are registered either as Limited Liability Companies (Sh.p.k) or Joint Stock Companies (Sh.a). One newspaper – the daily Tema, is registered as a sole proprietorship of its owner Mero Baze. Some of the outlets are clustered in media groups, including Top Media, Yldon Media Group, Focus Media Group, Panorama Group or the Edil Al Group – although these groups are not legally registered entities and have more a branding purpose to identify a group of companies that are linked to one media owner or family. The biggest print media company based on revenues is Panorama Group, which publishes the daily Panorama, the sports daily Panorma Sport and the monthly magazine Psikologjia, while the biggest broadcasting group is Top Media, which owns the national television stations Top Channel and Top News, and has major affiliated interests in digital broadcasting, radio, advertising, cinemas and music production.      

  • Project by
    Global Media Registry
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